Friday, January 16, 2009

3 ways to getting the user’s ATTENTION for sure! (well maybe almost!)

Seriously… It’s not easy to be the purple cow…especially for ChupR. After the Yahoo! Auctions’ exit, auction sites are mushrooming everywhere. So how exactly do you stand out from the crowd? Here are some of the ways that I found to be pretty useful. You can share and comment more if you want! =)

SEX (sells!)
It always works… really… just that I don’t have the assets… haha… But it never fails to capture!
Top: Something Funny... ( Courtesy of


And I do mean ATTRACTIVE! If you are giving out some regular keychains or pens like anyone else, you can stand in the queue just like everyone else.


What else? If you are prepared to throw in some money (and I am not taking about ten or twenty cents…) You are bound to get some attention!
Top: Money attracts almost everyone! (Image courtesy:

Of Course! There are more than 3 ways. These are but some of the ways which would definitely grab attention!


Anonymous said...

i am curious, aside from the freebies (ipods in your case), how did you leverage on the other two points to draw ChupR attention?

Unknown said...

That's an interesting question! The other 2 eh? hehe... wel.. its some behind the scene question. If you are interested, we can discuss more via email. renzhi (DOT) huang @ gmail (DOT) com